Thursday, June 20, 2024 @

Volume 11 Chapter 6 Equip, Then Die

Volume 11 Chapter 6 Equip, Then Die

 "――Show me where Senior Rikka is."

 I give instructions to my Compass Eye while facing Miss Roreis.

 Senior Rikka is in the direction of the Curse Site.

 Indeed, the Curse Site is under the Inquisitor's jurisdiction.

 It's the perfect place to hide a hostage.

 I want to rescue Senior Rikka right now.

 However, since I don't know the situation, it's bad to make a careless move.

 I'm also worried about the trap Chester has set.

 It's okay, he wouldn't kill the hostage he has taken without a reason.

 First, I should calmly extract information from Miss Roreis...

 I was thinking that when...


 Suddenly――the world was dyed red.

 A little late, an intense explosion echoed from the sky.

 Scorching heat and flames poured down to the ground.

 I couldn't help but look up at the sky, and it was――on fire.

 The sky was covered in flames like a membrane.

 It looked like the end of the world.

 The world was shaking red, and the ground was in an uproar.

 And at the center of the flames, which looked like a thin membrane――right above my head.

 A massive fireball was slowly falling, its face visible.

 It was so huge that it could cover the entire city.

 The term "giant meteorite" might be close to the image.

 That fireball was slowly falling, as if to devour the city.

 "What in the world...?"

 I looked at Miss Roreis, and she was also frozen in place, her eyes wide open.

 "...This can't be..."

 Her usual iron mask-like expression was gone, revealing an unprecedented level of agitation.

 This burning sky was an unexpected event, even for her.

 "...Stake Loss (Cremation Cross)."

 After a while, Miss Roreis muttered.

 "What's that?"

 "It's a large-scale destruction device, a cursed equipment. Once activated, it creates a massive fireball that wipes out the surrounding area."

 "...! Then, this is...!"

 "Probably a cursed disaster."

 "Is this... caused by the cursed equipment?"

 "Yes. The scale of this is beyond my expectations..."

 Indeed, if a single piece of equipment could create this scenery, it would be too unrealistic.

 It's as if it's a catastrophic event from a myth or something.

 "Who could have triggered the equipment..."

 "Judging from the situation... I think it's Rikka Vallet."


 "Currently, there are only 2 people near the Fire Cross, Chester Ville and Rikka Vallet. But it's unlikely that Chester would accidentally touch the cursed equipment..."

 "But why would Senior Rikka..."

 No... there's no point in thinking about the reason now.

 While we're talking, the fireball is slowly falling down.

 I need to think about something else now.

 "...What's the Cost of the Fire Cross?"

 "That is..."

 Miss Roreis hesitated.

 For some reason, I got a really bad feeling.

 To trigger a disaster of this scale, just how much Cost would be needed...?

 Eventually, Miss Roreis reported in a trembling voice.



 If one equips it, they'll die.

 Then, that equipment is... something I can't take.

 And there's no way to stop the flames in the sky.

 When faced with a phenomenon like a catastrophic event from a myth...

 Humans are just too... insignificant.

 Humans can't win against an opponent like that.

 "Luckily, if the records are correct... we have 30 minutes before the fireball falls. In that time, even if it's just us... we can try to escape..."

 Miss Roreis, who had been talking boldly, stopped there.

 "Miss Roreis?"

 "...We alone...? ...No... I..."

 She collapsed on the spot, as if she couldn't bear the weight on her shoulders.

 Miss Roreis was originally a person with a strong sense of justice.

 She had attacked me to protect the city.

 I couldn't imagine how she was feeling now.

 But that's not important now.

 This is no time to despair.

 There's still hope, after all.

 "Miss Roreis, please don't stop me this time."


 Miss Roreis looked up at me with a stunned expression.

 "What are you... talking about?"

 "I'm going to――"

 It was decided from the very beginning.

 "――I'll stop that fireball!"

 I'll stop the cursed equipment's rampage and extinguish the fireball. That's the best course of action.

 To do that, I'll first...go help Senior Rikka.

 I focus my consciousness on my left eye.

 I used the Compass Eye a little while ago to find out where Senior Rikka is.

 The needle is still pointing to one spot.

 It's showing me where Senior Rikka is.

 Then, Senior Rikka...must still be alive.

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