Thursday, June 20, 2024 @

Volume 11 Chapter 5 Stake Loss

Volume 11 Chapter 5 Stake Loss

 "Uh, uh..."

 When Rikka opened her eyes, she found herself in a graveyard.

 Well, not exactly a graveyard, since there were no crosses. Instead, countless equipment stood like grave markers, stretching as far as the eye could see.

 It was as if she was surrounded by a graveyard of equipment.

 The reddish evening light made it seem like the abandoned equipment was bleeding.

 "Where is..."

 The words slipped out of her mouth, but before she could even finish, someone appeared to answer her.

 "――This is the Curse Site."

 A dry, crisp sound accompanied the man's appearance in Rikka's line of sight.

 He wore a black military-like uniform, adorned with medals that seemed to boast of his achievements. There was no mistaking him.


 ――Chester Ville.

 The man who led the Inquisitors of Ravenyard.

 The evening sun's backlight made his face seem eerily dark.

 "I'm sure you know, but this is a restricted area under the Inquisitors' jurisdiction. So, whatever I do here, no one will see, and I won't be punished."

 "What are you talking about..."

 Rikka tried to tense up, but her body wouldn't move.

 Instead, she heard the sound of chains rattling.

 That's when she realized her arms were bound by chains connected to a bright red cross-shaped stake behind her.

 "What the...?"

 She tried to break free from the restraints, but the chains wouldn't budge.


 Chester sneered, his nose twitching with amusement.

 "That's a B-Rank restraint equipment. You're no match for it."

 "Restraint equipment..."

 It was originally meant for use on heinous criminals and monsters, not ordinary people.

 "What's the point of this...?"

 Chester gazed down at her like a hunter looking at his prey, his thin lips curling into a sly smile.

 "I'll have you cooperate with me to kill a Phantom."

 "...Kill a Phantom?"

 She doesn't get it, and she doesn't think it's possible either.

 However, Chester nods as if he has no doubts at all.

 "Yeah, I can do it."

 "What's with that... how are you..."

 "I'll use cursed equipment."


 Rikka is taken aback.

 The Inquisitor who's supposed to hunt cursed equipment is using it.

 It doesn't sink in right away.

 "It's like my exclusive privilege to force cursed equipment onto others. By doing so, I've been able to grant all my wishes. No matter what kind of power it is, I can't beat the cost of cursed equipment."

 Chester directs his gaze to the back of Rikka's head.

 What's there is a blood-red cross like a torture rack.

 "That's the Stake Loss, a cursed equipment. Its cost is――"

 Chester informs her briefly.



 Just by equipping it, you die.

 As soon as Rikka hears that, the reality of "Phantom's death" suddenly hits her.

 If Chester's words are true... even if it's Phantom, maybe he can kill them.

 "I'll send Phantom to this torture rack. To do that... I need your cooperation."


 "You're Phantom's favorite, so he'll listen to what you say, won't he?"

 Maybe it's true, Phantom... no, Noa might listen.

 "What's with that, who would do such a thing?"

 "I'll do it, you're similar to me."

 "Huh? What do you mean..."

 "I'm also from the same orphanage as you."


 "...in this dump, I couldn't even live my life as I wanted. My life was controlled by someone else's whims. But... I got tired of that. I wanted power... strength. So, I desperately climbed up to where I am now."

 Chester shows off the medal shining on his chest.

 "You're the same, aren't you? I can see right through what you're thinking. You want power, don't you? You want to be strong, don't you? You've been saying you want to be an Inquisitor all along."

 "Th, that's..."

 "I can make you an Inquisitor if you want."


 "I have the authority to do so――the power, that is."

 A wish she's been longing for, but couldn't reach.

 It's now within her grasp, easily obtained.

 All thanks to the whim of someone with power.

 "Step on others and live as you please. That's what it means to be strong."

 Chester extends his hand to Rikka.

 "Cooperate with me. If you do, I'll give you true strength."

 "...True strength."

 Rikka looks at the extended hand.

 If she cooperates with Chester, she'll get power.

 That's what she's been searching for. The orphanage family will surely be happy. She might be able to help even more children.

 So, there's no reason to refuse this hand.

 So, there's no reason to refuse...

 ――Senior Rikka is already strong.

 Suddenly, those words flashed through her mind.

 The words of a boy who's stronger than anyone.

 He said she's strong, even without equipment, status, or money.


 "...Ah, that's right."

 Rikka looks down.

 Did Chester take that as agreement?

 Chester laughed, looking pleased with himself.

 "――The deal is settled, then."

 "No way."


 A dry sound echoes around.

 It's the sound of Rikka kicking Chester's hand away.

 "My answer is... I'd rather die than accept, okay?"

 Rikka laughs mockingly and takes a step back.

 Behind her is the crimson cross.

 A cursed equipment that will kill her if she touch it.

 "...! What are you...!"

 Chester cries out in a panic, but it's too late.

* * *

 "――Show me where Senior Rikka is."

 I give instructions to my Compass Eye while facing Miss Roreis.

 Senior Rikka is in the direction of the Curse Site.

 Indeed, the Curse Site is under the Inquisitor's jurisdiction.

 It's the perfect place to hide a hostage.

 I want to rescue Senior Rikka right now.

 However, since I don't know the situation, it's bad to make a careless move.

 I'm also worried about the trap Chester has set.

 It's okay, he wouldn't kill the hostage he has taken without a reason.

 First, I should calmly extract information from Miss Roreis...

 I was thinking that when...


 Suddenly――the world was dyed red.

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