Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @

Volume 10 Chapter 4 The Horde of Ghouls

Volume 10 Chapter 4 The Horde Of Ghouls


 With that word, the ghouls pounced on Senior Rikka.

 "Hey, wait!"


 A cross was thrust at Senior Rikka.

 I quickly shielded senior, but that created an opening.


 Many pale hands dragged Senior Rikka into the ranks of the dead.

 The ghouls, holding crosses, loomed over Senior Rikka, who was pinned to the ground.

 This is bad... I can't just stand by and do nothing.

 I have to fight.

 But I can't transform into Phantom either.

 So, I drew my iron sword.

 It's a dummy equipment I wear during investigations.

 I can't bring out the full power of my usual equipment, but I can 'pretend' to use an iron sword.

 "...Ram" "Leave it to me!"

 A root-like thing extended from the Slime Sword on my wrist, coating the blade in a faint blue.

 I swung the blade at the horde of ghouls.

 I cut down the ghouls' arms and grabbed Senior Rikka's neck.

 "Meow!? Hey, where are you grabbing?"

 "Just bear with it, and stand up quickly!"

 I used the sword to knock down the ghouls and bought time to get Senior Rikka back on her feet.

 I don't really want to cut down these ghouls. When one cuts a corpse inflated with gas, the rotten liquid spurts out with incredible force, blinding people.

 "Noa, it's okay now!"

 "Then, let's escape!"

 I pulled Senior Rikka's hand, and with my other hand, I broke through the ghouls' encirclement.

 The ghouls easily fell, and a path opened up.

 While fending off the hands of the approaching undead, we ran.

 Luckily, the ghouls' agility was slow. Once we broke through their encirclement, we could quickly put distance between us and the ghouls.

 The ghouls seemed to give up chasing us and eventually stopped.

 "We managed to escape, it seems."

 "Uh, yeah"

 Finally, I can catch my breath.

 "Noa, th-thank you... I'm so grateful..."

 "Huh? What's going on?"

 "Ah, I just love you, I do!"

 "Why are you suddenly making a shocking confession?"

 "I-I just had to convey my feelings somehow..."

 "Why to me, of all people?"

 What a weird senior. No, it's just like always.

 "By the way, Noa, that hurts a bit..."

 "Huh? Oh, sorry about that."

 It seems I was gripping her hand too tightly. I quickly let go.

 "Noa's pretty strong, isn't he?"

 "It's just adrenaline, I guess."

 "Speaking of which, I saw you fight for the first time. If you can fight that well, why don't you usually fight?"

 "Uh, I'm not usually serious about my work..."

 "No way, why not..."

 Senior Rikka let out a deep sigh.

 "I was just about to rethink my opinion of you..."

 "Ah, haha..."

 "It's not something to laugh about, you know? Noa's just..."


 And then, right there.

 Behind Senior Rikka's back――in the midst of the Ghoul's group, I caught a glimpse of something strange for a moment.

 "Huh? What's wrong?"

 "I-I don't know..."

 I hesitated about whether to say something, but in the end, I decided to keep quiet.

 I snuck another glance at Senior Rikka's back.

 It was already gone from that spot, but I'm sure it was there.

 Deep within the Ghoul's group――there was a human with a deformed skull...

 That existence, which was intently observing us, was surely――.

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