Wednesday, May 8, 2024 @

Chapter 62 Girl's Talk [Interlude]

Chapter 62 Girl'S Talk [Interlude]

 After Leaf finished everything in his hometown, he was on a carriage heading back to the capital city.

 "Why are you following me, Eileen?"

 Eileen, a beautiful girl with fox-like narrow eyes, was actually a nice person.

 After leaving Leaf's hometown, they passed through the Abyss Wood and arrived at the Votslak territory.

 There, Eileen had prepared a carriage for them.

 "I also have some business in the capital city."

 "Oh, really? What kind of business?"

 "It has nothing to do with you~♡ Oh, I mean, it was your breasts that weren't there, right?"

 Mercury's temples throbbed with veins.

 "Ugh, seriously~? But it's like all the brainpower's getting sucked into that useless lump of fat, don't you get it?"

 "Wow, what a dumb thing to say. No brains and no chest, huh? It's a wonder any nutrients are getting to your brain at all."

 "Huh? You wanna die or something?"

 Tai-chan, also known as Behemoth, let out a sigh.

 "Hey, my lord is sleeping. Keep your voice down a little bit."

 Leaf was lying on Tai-chan's thigh, facing upwards.

 Her overly large breast was covering Leaf's face perfectly.

 "Isn't he struggling to breathe?"

 "My lord is peacefully snoring."

 "Look here. Leaf-sama likes women with big breasts, unlike you flat-chested ones."

 Despite the two arguing, Tai-chan remained calm and composed.

 "Wait, Eileen. This fight is pointless. Even if we argue here, Leaf-kun will be taken away by that breast monster over there."

 "That seems unavoidable."

 Tai-chan tilted her head in confusion.

 "Who's this 'Breast Monster' everyone's talking about?"

 ""It's you.""

 There was an awkward silence.

 "So, Tai-chan, what do you think about Leaf-kun?"

 In the name of fairness, Tai-chan, next, lounges on Mercury's lap.

 Tai-chan answers calmly.

 "That's a silly question. To me, my lord is a lord to be served. I'm fine being a servant."

 "So, you're saying you wouldn't be a romantic partner?"

 "Exactly. I'm just a subordinate to serve my master, like his underling."

 Mercury thinks being a servant and an underling are quite different...

 But she breathes a sigh of relief.

 Even though she's a magic beast, Mercury doesn't want to compete with a woman with such big... assets, for the same guy.

 She briefly feels relieved that she has one less rival.

 "Well, if my lord wants to wet with me, I wouldn't mind at all."

 Tai-chan giggles mischievously and licks her lips.

 When Tai-chan exuded such an alluring charm, any man would have swallowed hard at such a gesture.

 Alarm bells rang in Mercury's mind.

 "No, no...! Tai-chan! Leaf-kun is still a child!"

 "Even so, he's already an adult. He must have some interest in s*x."

 "No way! He has never once looked at me with any s*xual intentions, even though we live together!"

 Mercury felt a bit proud of herself. No matter if it was changing clothes or waking up, she had never seen Leaf get flustered at such defenseless moments.

 ...But Tai-chan and Eileen looked at her sympathetically.

 "Could it be that he doesn't see you as a woman?"

 "I also think so."


 She tried to deny their statements with disbelief.

 But wait.

 Indeed, there was no guarantee that Leaf wasn't interested in women.

 Mercury wonders if it's because she's not seen as a girl. Maybe it's because she lacks s*x appeal.

 Compared to the impressive assets right in front of her, her chest is so flat.

 And reflecting on their cohabitation life.

 She has shown her bare face, stumbled around drunk, and even shown her sloppy appearance after a bath.

 Even after witnessing all that, Leaf has never shown a hint of being flustered...

 "Is it true... my femininity is too low...?"

 "Yeah, yeah," Eileen and the others nod.

 "What a dilemma..."

 "What if you ask Leaf-sama to make you some breast enhancement potion?"

 Eileen teases with a completely silly expression.

 "There's no way that's possible! Why would I ask the guy I like for a potion to make my breasts bigger!?"

 "Huh, you want that kind of potion?"

 "Whoa...!!!! Leaf-kun!?"

 Groggily, Leaf lifts his head.

 Slowly, while still using Tai-chan's lap as a pillow, he sits up.

 "Oh, be careful, Leaf-kun, you're going to bump into my breast if you sit up too fast..."


 "Huh? What?"


 With a look of despair, Mercury gazes at her own breast.

 If it were Tai-chan or Eileen, Leaf's face would have bumped against their breasts when he wokes up.

 But sadly, it didn't happen with her breast.

 "Poor little breasts..."

 "Shut up! I'll squash those things!"

 Mercury and Eileen start grappling. Tai-chan watches them with exasperation while Leaf, watching their lively exchange, simply thinks they get along well.

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