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Volume 7 Chapter 2 After the War

Volume 7 Chapter 2 After The War

 It's been a few days since the war ended, and we've been on a break for several days.

 Since we've been fighting non-stop lately, it feels like we've finally gained our freedom. Nightfather and Fist of the Dragon Army have been in intense battles.


 "Wade's exhausted... that's rare."

 As I'm melting into the sofa, Toxy comes over, shaking her purple ponytail, and pokes my cheek. "Vvvv..." I let out a tired cry.

 Ice, who was putting Moruru and Ridge to sleep, says,

 "Toxy-chan... Wade-kun is tired, so leave him alone, okay?"

 "Well, we did just get through that intense battle... Good job, Wade."


 "Is it normal to be this dead?"

 "That's rare of you, Wade! And it's cute, yeah...!"

 "Ugh, this blindness..."

 I'm being petted and poked by Toxy, and I've been spacing out for a while.

 It's a peaceful afternoon on a weekday. Yesterday, Alex asked me to prepare for something, saying "Wait for a bit," and today is a relaxing day.

 I was woken up from my nap by Moruru and Ridge, and then Sandra came home, kissed me, and teased me, and I finally got up around evening.

 "Wade, you are awake."

 "Mmm, good morning, Sandra."

 "Good morning?"

 Sandra's golden side tail sways. Following her gaze, I see the reddening outdoor scenery. It's not dawn, but evening.

 I can't help but reflect on myself.

 "...I was trash today..."

 "That happened to you too, huh? But I'm like that all the time."

 "Don't you think it's better not to have that kind of self-awareness?"

 "It's okay to be trash and still live. That's this world."

 "This conversation suddenly got really grand."

 I chuckled at Sandra's unique way of talking. In the evening, I see Ice, Toxy, Moruru, Ridge, and even Windy, all busily preparing a massive amount of food on the table.

 "...What's going on? Did something happen today?"

 I tilted my head, and Toxy exclaimed, "Ah! Wade's awake!" Moruru responded to her voice and rushed towards me.


 "Are the sound effect booms still not over?"

 I scooped up Moruru and asked in her tiny ear,

 "Hey, Moruru, what's going on today...? Tell Papa secretly."

 "Eh Papa, you don't know?! Today's the day The Frain party is coming to play at the strategy meeting!"

 I said, "I told you to said it secretly, didn't I?!" Then, she burst out laughing and said 'Hahaahaha!' while I hug Moruru's fluffy hair tightly and giving her a big tickle.

 As the sun began to set, Clay brought the Frain party to our place.

 "Yo, we're here."

 "Oh, you're here. Take your time, relax."

 "No need to say that."

 We exchanged casual words and welcomed Frain. Then, I turned to the others and said, "Everyone, take your time too."

 Kadras, Sylvia, Gold, Dream. Each of them waved lightly at me as they entered the house. Finally, Clay, who had led them here, called out to me.

 "You're really used to dealing with Frain, Wade-kun."

 "What do you mean?"

 "No hidden meaning. It's just... conversations with Frain-kun can be tough, right?"


 It's because he's so casual. Even when we're just chatting, he starts with a basic, blunt response, so it can be tough.

 I whispered a secret to Clay.

 "He's the type who enjoys being teased with silly, unreasonable requests."

 "Huh? Uh, I don't really get it..."

 Frain overheard us from a distance and shouted.

 "Hey, Wade! What are you whispering about?!"

 "I'm teaching Clay how to tease you."


 "I see, so it's like that..."

 Frain clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. "You know, people who get angry easily will yell or get violent on the spot, but if you just talk it out, it's all good. If you understand that, it's a lot easier," I told Clay.

 Then, I somehow found myself standing near Frain, facing the people waiting for the toast.

 "Thanks, everyone, for gathering here today. And I also want to express my deep gratitude for helping me when I was captured by the enemy camp."

 "It was tough, but we managed to hold our own against the Fist of the Dragon, that great hero. For a bunch of young guys like us, that's quite an achievement."

 As party leaders, we exchanged words like we were having a conversation, or giving a speech. Then, we raised our cups together.

 I smiled wryly and said,

 "To the efforts of Rebellion Flame!"

 Frain curved his lips in a sarcastic smile and said,

 "To the struggles of Wade's party!"

 Then, we chimed in together.



 Everyone in the room raised their cups and clinked them together. I held my cup out to Frain, saying "No choice, huh?" and he clinked his cup against mine.

 Then, I took a big gulp and let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, it feels like the war is finally over!"

 Frain said,

 "First, let's drink. We'll drink for the ones who died too."

 "...Yeah, that's right."

 Frain took a light sip, then moved to the edge of the room. He didn't seem to be in the mood to drink loudly like the others.

 As I was wondering if I should join in, a girl with silver twin tails and a bald man approached me.

 Sylvia and Gold, an unexpected brother-sister duo, called out to me.

 "Good job, Wade. We heard it was a tough fight."

 "Wade, oh Wade! Thank you! Thank you! You made me the swordsmith who defeated the great hero, and I'm so grateful!"

 "Wow, you're so passionate!"

 Just as Sylvia was about to speak, Gold rushed over, crying and hugging me tightly, overwhelming me. I received it with a wry smile.

 "By the way, Gold, your arm..."

 "Ah, it's become Durandal."

 "Huh? What? Huh?"

 I couldn't help but blink in confusion at the incomprehensible answer.

 "Wade, didn't you hear?"

 Sylvia says while taking the Gold from me.

 "What do you mean you didn't hear? What's going on?"

 "The material for Durandal. My brother's arm."

 "...Huh? What?"

 "Look, brother, this is a normal reaction, right? You did something that doesn't make sense, so..."

 Sylvia's complicated words make Gold chuckle.

 "I have no regrets, Sylvia."

 "Really, that's why you're..."

 Sylvia lets out a deep sigh. I take the small Durandal I was carrying and examine it closely.

 "This, Gold's... arm..."

 "Ah. To be precise, it's my arm that was turned into iron with magic and cut off, that's what it is."

 "...I heard it was a sword ten times stronger, but Gold, you..."

 No, I shake my head there. It's not good to be stunned like this.

 I face Gold directly.

 "Thanks, Gold. Durandal is the best weapon. I'll take it to my grave. It's that kind of weapon."

 "Yeah, please use it to the fullest. The blacksmith's skills will be wasted otherwise."

 I shake hands with Gold's remaining arm. I've received an incredible sword from an amazing blacksmith.

 But there, I feel a sense of discomfort.

 "...Gold was a blacksmith? One of the Rebellion Flames, right? An adventurer? That arm is..."

 "Ah, about that..."

 Gold and Sylvia exchange glances before telling me.

 "We've decided to quit being adventurers because of this incident. We'll continue as blacksmiths."

 Those words were a quiet shock.

 "...So you're quitting being adventurers, even though you've become Silver?"

 "It's a turning point, for better or for worse. If we think we won't be in danger anymore, it's not a bad decision."

 Sylvia nods with a determined look. It seems she has already made up her minds. That's the kind of gaze it was.


 "What's with you, feeling lonely?"

 "Nah, it's just a short relationship, but it's not like we don't know each other."

 Gold teased me, and I let out a wry laugh, shrugging my shoulders. Then, Gold said,

 "That's not the issue. I'm probably the only one who can forge Durandal anyway. We might even get more chances to meet."

 "Is that so?"

 "I've been studying runes pretty hard, and it's not like you can forge a decent sword on your own, big brother. So, from now on, let's get along, Wade."

 Sylvia said, her face slightly red, speaking a bit quickly. I smiled and replied, "Yeah, let's get along."

 Anyway, runes. Those magic characters that shine and take effect when you decipher them.

 "By the way, doesn't Durandal transform? Do you engrave runes on it?"

 I asked Sylvia, who chuckled and said, "You're so naive, Wade."

 "I'm studying with this 'Great Rune Encyclopedia' I got from Alex-san!"

 Sylvia pulled out a thick book. It was the Great Rune Encyclopedia.

 "Is that the Great Rune? Like the teleportation arrays and stuff?"

 "Yeah, exactly Runes are basically 3 characters, but the Great Rune is a more complex system that allows you to do more things. And this book is a textbook for that."

 I looked at the author's name. It said "Terin". What a cute name.

 "This author, Terin-sensei, is a renowned Great Rune user in the Roman Empire, and this book has all sorts of research results on runes."


 "The real deal when it comes to runes is still Alex-san, but Terin-sensei has a lot of their own research too. So, if you read it carefully, you'll probably find a solution!"


 There's still so much I don't know about this world, I think. Right now, gravity magic and yoga are going well, but I'm not really motivated. But maybe I'll get into it eventually.

 As we were talking, Moruru clung to my leg. "What's wrong, Moruru?" I asked, and she said, "Alex-niichan is calling you!"

 As I looked, I saw our party gathering around Alex for some reason. I was pulled by Moruru's hand, and we headed in that direction.

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