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Volume 6 Chapter 38 Character Introduction

Volume 6 Chapter 38 Character Introduction

 - Wade

 The protagonist of this story. A Gravity Magician.

 Formerly a scrawny dog from the slums. Currently a Golden Torch, Sword Adventurer, and the Hero of Karditsa.

 He was initially ridiculed for having "Slow Magic," a gravity magic with poor usability. However, with his overwhelming talent and battle-crazy personality, he continued to win battle after battle.

 Currently, he fights using a combination of gravity magic, yoga, and multiple special weapons.

 - Ice

 The main heroine 1 of this story. An Ice Magician.

 Formerly a bullied child. Currently a Golden Sword Adventurer and Wade's first wife.

 Initially, she had a timid personality, but after experiencing various events triggered by Wade, she awakened to her yandere side, becoming a Wade-centric ideologist.

 Currently, she fights by creating a large number of ice soldiers and controlling the battlefield from a distance.

 - Clay (Clayg Holliest Greece)

 The partner 1 of this story. An Earth Magician.

 A prince of the Greece royal family who hid his identity and pretended to be an adventurer.

 He admired Wade and desperately followed in his footsteps, eventually becoming a monster himself. His heroic aspirations have changed in some way.

 Currently, he summons a monster called Typhon and fights as a titan.

 - Toxy

 The main heroine 2 of this story. A Poison Magician.

 Formerly an ordinary adventurer girl and a drug addict. Currently a Golden Bow Adventurer.

 She admired Wade and desperately followed in his footsteps, eventually becoming a monster herself. She became the Queen of Poison and no longer needed to create drugs using magic.

 Currently, she summons a monster called Hydra and fights as a half-dragon.

 - Sandra

 The main heroine 3 of this story. A Lightning Magician.

 A genius adventurer girl and a Golden Torch Adventurer. A devout follower of Madness.

 She fell in love with Wade, who was dyed in madness during battle, and became one of the strongest girls who could rival Wade. If Wade were not around, she would be the strongest of her generation.

 Currently, she fights using lightning magic and perfect evasion with the Swadhisthana Chakra.

 - Alex

 The guide 1 of this story. A skilled merchant and the Emperor of the Alexander Empire.

 Wade's exceptional talent was quickly recognized, and he was invested in, guided, and eventually became a key figure in his own country. He's an excellent investor.

 He's not about fighting, but about making smart deals, using his wits, and building relationships with people to get ahead."

 - Moruru

 The mascot 1 of this story, Wade's daughter, an ancient dragon.

 Wade and Ice dote on this ancient dragon's daughter, who has incredible potential, but much of it remains unknown.

 She loves to play "fighting games" with Papa Wade.

 - Frain

 The rival 1 of this story, a fire magician.

 He was the first to notice Wade, and he's been hostile towards him. Although he was defeated once, he got back on his feet and has been working hard to become stronger. Currently, he's a Gold Stealth Weapon Adventurer (temporarily returned).

 He fights like a modern soldier, using a special long staff and firearms.

 - Kadras

 The semi-regular character 1 of this story, a user of dual swords.

 He initially clashed with Wade and lost, but later joined forces with Frain and now serves as his partner.

 He wields 2 cutlasses, called cutlasses, to fight.

 - Sylvia

 The sub-heroine 1 of this story, an iron magician.

 She's a member of the party "Rebellion Flame" led by Frain, a silver-haired twin-tailed girl.

 She's a silver-ranked iron magician and a strong adventurer, but for some reason, she always gets targeted by opponents much stronger than herself.

 - Gold

 The semi-regular character 2 of this story, an iron magician.

 He's a member of the party "Rebellion Flame" led by Frain, a bald, muscular man. He's a silver-ranked iron magician and a master blacksmith... who's also a bit crazy.

 He's Sylvia's brother and the blacksmith who forged the legendary sword, Durandal. He's got a few screws loose.

 - Dream

 The semi-regular character 3 of this story, an illusion magician.

 She's a member of the party "Rebellion Flame" led by Frain, a mysterious beauty.

 Although she's usually laid-back and doesn't seem motivated, she's a silver-ranked adventurer who can deceive even the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fist of the Dragon and return unscathed. Don't underestimate her.

 - Ridge of Noble Karditsa

 The sub-heroine 2 of this story. Noble Lady

 The clever noble lady who once discovered that Moruru was similar to a Metamorph Dragon and tried to steal it by sending a Stealth Weapon Adventurer.

 Now, she's entrusted her body to Wade's party and seems to be working diligently...?

 - Windy

 The semi-regular character 4 of this story. A Silver Stealth Weapon Adventurer.

 A skilled adventurer who once tried to steal Moruru and single-handedly chased Wade's party. ...But now, it's absolutely impossible. Everyone's given up being human.

 Now, they're taken on the role of Wade's party's handyman, and their household skills are so versatile that everyone relies on her heavily.

 - Shadowmira

 The semi-regular character 5 of this story. Gold Stealth Weapon Adventurer

 The strongest Stealth Weapon Adventurer and maid leader under lord Karditsa's care. She's said to use shadow magic, but the details are completely unknown.

 In reality, she's an extremely strong person, but since Wade has become too strong, she's been overshadowed.

 - Mudi

 The guide 2 of this story. Yoga Master. Platinum Torch Adventurer

 The dungeon's Mocker, "Handless". One of the strongest in the story.

 He's the one who taught Wade and Sandra yoga, and dragged them into the realm of abnormal battles. He's probably unbeatable against ordinary enemies, but he's not interested in anything outside of the dungeon.

 His fighting style is difficult to describe.

 - Philia

 The guide 3 of this story. Summoning Magician?

 Mudi's partner. She's been a member of Mudi's party for a long time and hasn't died, and is a high-ranking gold adventurer. If anything happens to Mudi, she has the ability to instantly become a platinum adventurer.

 She's the one who made Clay and Toxy give up being human. Despite appearing to be a young girl, her entire body is covered in an unusually thick, strange armor.

 - Drop

 The semi-regular character 6 of this story. Magic Tool Shop Employee

 After being forced to drop out of adventuring by Ice, she's been working as a bright and cheerful shop employee at her family's magic tool shop. She's from a noble background, after all.

 She seems to keep a good distance from Ice, who has now become thick-skinned, as she often teases her and fights back. Recently, the 2 of them had tea together or something.

 - 'Fist of the Dragon' Sieg

 The rival 2 of this story, the Commander-in-chief of the Fist of the Dragon army.

 One of the strongest in the story, 'Fist of the Dragon'.

 He's become so strong with his bare hands that Alex has entrusted him with the army. Even the monsters in Wade's party can't take a single hit from him.

 He's a bit of an airhead, and his actions are often weird. He's treated kindly or roughly by those around him, but his strength is unmatched, so he's trusted.

 - 'Wrath' Reiji

 The semi-regular character 7 of this story, the user of the magic sword Gram.

 One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fist of the Dragon, a skilled swordsman.

 Gram is a sword that originally wouldn't stop until it had killed everyone around it, but Reiji, with his lack of enthusiasm, can stop it with a "this is too much" attitude.

 In a sense, he's the chosen user of the magic sword Gram. He's usually lazy, but he'll follow Sieg's bad habits. He'll also get scolded together with him.

 - 'Narcissistic Bard' Romantini

 The partner 2 of this story, a druid user

 One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fist of the Dragon, a great magician.

 He's become almost invincible due to his strong assertion that "he's loved by God", and God's response of "if you think so, then that's fine". As a result, he's become a ridiculously strong magician.

 His way of fighting is the opposite of what people'd expect from a magician, but he's extremely strong. He's usually singing or performing, and of course, he'll follow Sieg's bad habits. When he gets scolded, he'll just smile.

 - 'Discarder' Brada

 The semi-regular character 8 of this story, a skilled swordsman.

 One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fist of the Dragon, a carefree female knight.

 Her arms are too strong, and she can easily break most magic swords. She's a strong swordsman who can take on opponents head-on. She always carries over a dozen magic swords on her, and her appearance is similar to a skirt.

 She's a normal person, so she's always troubled by Sieg and the other 3 idiots' bad habits. She's everyone's mom.

 - Hydra

 The mascot 2 of this story. The King of Poison and Ancient Dragon

 The ancient dragon of poison growing from Toxy's shoulder. It's useful in battles, but in other scenes, it's always whispering "Prepare, prepare" in a voice that only Toxy can hear, so it's a mascot.

 Toxy is a good caretaker, so they get along pretty well.

 - Typhon

 The mascot 3 of this story. The Giant Enemy of Greek Mythology

 A large robot that bursts out of the ground when Clay calls it. It's pretending to be a golem, but that's a stretch. It's a robot.

 Usually, it's a silly guy who talks to Clay's mind. Clay is playing around with it in his brain.

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