Tuesday, June 11, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 21 Casino Department

Volume 5 Chapter 21 Casino Department

 After telling Frain about Swallow's schedule, I decided to sneak a peek into the casino with my old man that night.

 The casino was bustling, just as I'd expect. The noise was deafening, and the air was filled with the smell of money and booze. It was a chaotic scene.

 Frain and I was talking at the back of the store.

 "What's the plan for the day after tomorrow?"

 "We'll open the shop, but we'll chase the customers away."

 I could vaguely imagine what Frain was thinking. I shared my own thoughts.

 "Are we trying to figure out the enemy's goal?"

 "That's right. ―――Their goal is to take back the Casino Department. But they don't need to kill all of us. If they can make the customers believe that the casino we run is dangerous because Nightfather might attack, that would be enough to set the stage."

 In other words, they would target not only us but also the customers. So, we would open the casino to lure in Swallow, and once he actually enters, there wouldn't be a single customer inside.

 "Tell the customers who come today not to come back for a while. Chase away the customers who come tomorrow and the day after. If we make a promise to give them free drinks next time, even the angry ones won't be upset."

 "Frain, you're pretty good at business, huh?"

 "...I was taught well."

 Frain looked at me.

 "Tomorrow, we'll fortify the shop. Help me. We need to prepare the battlefield to fight against Swallow."

 "Got it. My magic should be able to handle that easily."

 "I still don't really understand your magic... What's this gravity magic thing?"

 "It's magic that makes things heavier or lighter."

 "If something becomes lighter, why does it float in the air?"

 "Because it's lighter than air, of course."


 We continued to chat like this until we parted ways that day.

 The next day, we worked on fortifying the casino's interior, just as Frain had said. Frain could use flame magic like a firearm, and Swallow was skilled with swords. We thought about how to gain an advantage in the upcoming battle.

 So the day came to an end. The tables were overturned, and the chairs were piled up like barricades. The interior was no longer something that could be called a casino.

 There were three people from Frain's party and two people—Toxy and me—gathered at the center of the casino.

 "Tomorrow, this place will become a battlefield. It's a matter of life and death. Gold rankers like them might be able to do whatever they want, but we silver rankers are in trouble."

 Frain took a deep breath before speaking.

 "――Don't die. If you die, I'll kill you."

 "You can't kill someone who's already dead. You're a stupid brat."

 "Frain, you're trying to act tough, but it's not working."

 "I'll kill you right now!"

 ""Ahh! Ahh!""

 Frain's party was as usual, and we couldn't help but laugh. But we couldn't shake off the tension.

 After all, this was the first time we were going to fight directly against a gold ranker. The Puppet Master had fought before, but that was just a coincidence.

 So tomorrow would be our first real fight against a gold ranker.


 Toxy said, looking at me.

 "Let's enjoy it. I'll take on Wade's burden too."

 I forced a smile and asked,

 "Did you hear that from Sandra?"

 "Yeah... She said to say it before fighting a strong enemy."

 "Sandra's also getting worked up, huh?"

 I shrugged and forced a smile before nodding.

 "Yeah, let's enjoy it. It's a fight against a strong enemy. We can't lose."

 When I closed my eyes, I could hear the sound of my heart racing at the thought of fighting a strong enemy. What kind of enemy would it be? What kind of tactics would they use? What kind of threat would they pose?

 I thought to myself,

 "I hope it's an enemy that can push me to my limits."

 The next night, I stood at the designated location we had decided on beforehand.

 The grand hall of the casino. The central area on the first floor. That's where I sat with Kadras, our chairs lined up.

 "Ah, I never thought I'd be fighting alongside with you, boy, but here we are."

 Kadras said, laughing cheerfully. I also couldn't help but smile, and replied, "Yeah, it's strange to think about fate like that."

 "But I never thought I'd be surpassed like this. And in such a short period of time too? I never thought someone in their teens would reach gold rank."

 "Our whole party has reached it!"

 "That's ridiculous, Kadras-nii is saying that! "

 Kadras wags his finger at me and says,

 "You know, boy, you're seriously amazing. I wouldn't dare say this to the brat (Frain) himself, but he's a genius. He's mastered magic and can dominate the battlefield all by himself."

 That's what Kadras says, looking at me.

 "'Wade is a genius, always one step ahead of me. That's why I want to catch up to him and surpass him' ―― that's what he says."

 "...That's kinda embarrassing."

 Meanwhile, Frain is waiting at a distance, preparing for a long-range snipe. He's shown off his skills by shattering a bottle with fire magic from several kilometers away, so I'm counting on him.

 "I was thinking, what's it like to be a genius seen by another genius? But, boy, after seeing you again after so long, I realized that even someone like me, who's lived for nearly ten years, doesn't know everything. You're using magic that I can't understand, and it's like I'm seeing a character from a myth."

 "...Stop flattering me, it's getting awkward."

 "Am I flattering you? I don't know what to say..."

 Kadras folds his arms, thinking.

 "I think, well, you're special. Frain is certainly talented, but the core of his being is still that of you, boy. Maybe the same goes for the members of your party? In other words, being around you, the people who are drawn to you become stronger, as if they're being pulled by you..."

 "Is that so?"

 "That's what I think, anyway."

 At that moment, I glance at the entrance. "Hmm? ――Has he arrived?" Kadras reacts a moment later.

 We stand up, tossing the chairs we were sitting on into the corner of the room.

 I use magic to stick my iron lump sword to the ceiling, summon 5 crystal swords, and attach 4 of them to the ceiling. Then I take a stance, wearing a helmet to hide my face.

 Kadras doesn't bother with such tricks. He simply draws his twin swords and takes a stance.

 "Come out, Swallow. If it's you, I can take you down head-on, no need to ambush."

 As Kadras provoked him, he suddenly appeared without a sound.

 His movements were light and agile, with flexible muscles. He wore thin clothing, with an Eastern-inspired appearance, his hair tied up, and a sword at his side.

 "Again, you?"

 At first glance, he seemed like an ordinary young man. Although it was clear he was trained, he didn't give off an intimidating aura.

 What stood out was his carefree demeanor and refreshing presence. Upon taking a closer look, I felt convinced. "Swallow". It was a fitting nickname.

 "Yeah, it's me again. The inferior guy you failed to kill."

 Kadras glared at Swallow with a cold sweat, while Swallow gazed back at him emotionlessly before shifting his gaze to me.

 "Who are you?"

 "I'm the helper."

 "That's a good sword you have. Sharp. ...It's not just sharp, it's interesting."

 I was using a sword, but I didn't usually hold it properly. That's why I was holding it like this. The unfamiliarity of wielding a sword was tempting me to let my guard down. The sword was also unusually good.

 "You're being evaluated for being in this place, but you're not that strong, are you? It's the power of that sword, right?"

 "It's my sword. It's my power."

 "That's right. Then, if I take that sword, it becomes my power."

 "So, give it to me," Swallow said, lowering his stance.

 The tension escalated. My skin was tingling with excitement and tension. The moment of collision was short. The thread of tension was being pulled taut, ready to snap at any moment.

 It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming―――――it's here.

 Swallow charged, and I laughed.

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