Saturday, June 8, 2024 @

Volume 5 Chapter 11 Interrogation, Part I

Volume 5 Chapter 11 Interrogation, Part I

 Toxy and I visited my parents' house together.

 "Wow, it's dirty... Oh, sorry."

 "No, it's fine. It's the truth."

 The house I hadn't been to in almost a year looked nothing like it did when I lived there. It seemed like no cleaning had been done while I was away. It had turned into a typical garbage dump.

 Stepping over scattered food crumbs, dust, and various other trash, we made our way to the bed where my shitty old man was sleeping, snoring loudly.

 "Snore... Snore..."


 I looked down at him. If I could have a chance to talk to this piece of crap old man and gather information from him, it would be great. However, it was impossible in this terrible condition.

 "Wade, you're giving him a look of contempt like I never seen you before..."


 I stared at my piece of crap old man for a while, feeling a sense of disgust, and then closed my eyes and let out a long breath.

 I made up my mind.

 And then, I delivered a strong kick to the bed.

 "Whoa!? Wh-what's going on!? Huh!?"

 My piece of crap old man hastily jumped up, looking at us with sleepy eyes. He had a face that showed he didn't understand the situation, blinking repeatedly as he stared at us.

 I clicked my tongue loudly and said to my piece of crap old man.

 "We're cleaning."


 "We're cleaning, damn it! Get up quickly!"

 "Whoa, okay, I get it. ...? What's happening?"

 In response to my scolding, my piece of crap old man straightened his posture and then got up. I turned to Toxy and said.

 "So, sorry to ask, but can you help me? I know where the cleaning supplies are, so please come with me."

 "Sure, no problem. Wow, it's quite a mess here."

 I took Toxy with me and left the house once, then randomly grabbed cleaning supplies from a communal warehouse in the area and returned.

 And then, with a dumbfounded expression on my piece of crap old man's face, I handed him a broom.

 "This is for you, old man."


 "I said it's for you. Take it."


 After confirming that old man had received the message, I gave instructions, "Alright, Toxy, you take that room, I'll do this one. old man, you take care of the area around the bed," and we immediately started cleaning.

 The living room, where I started, was in a terrible state of disarray. So I pushed the tables and chairs to one corner of the room, and then used gravity magic to sweep away all the trash.

 Once I put them in bags, the initial trash cleaning was complete. Next, I swept away the fine dust and dirt that was difficult to catch with gravity magic using a broom.

 "Wade, are these the trash bags?"

 "Yeah, put the trash in them."

 "Got it."

 I handed the trash bags to Toxy and continued cleaning. Then, I checked on my damn old man's room and found him sitting there doing nothing with a dumbfounded expression.

 "Hey. I left you to clean this room."

 "...What? You're making decisions without my permission. This is my house. You just barged in and started doing whatever you want."

 My damn old man, probably getting annoyed at me taking over everything, said that while sitting on the bed.

 I calmly replied.

 "Then I'm leaving. I'm never coming back or seeing you again."


 "Toxy! Stop cleaning. Let's go."

 "Oh, okay? Got it~"

 My damn old man started to panic at my unwavering decision.

 "Hey, hey, wait, you don't have to go that far."

 "I said I can't stand being around someone who can't even clean this dirty house. Either clean up properly or I'm cutting ties with you for good. Make your choice."


 My forceful attitude made the damn old man flinch. Then, he stood up, sullenly saying, "Fine... I'll do it." I called out, "Toxy, sorry for dragging you into this. Let's continue cleaning," and went back to cleaning.

 For several hours, the three of us quietly cleaned our assigned areas. I finished quickly and went to help Toxy. Toxy was good at her assigned area, so we finished quickly together.

 Then, we went to old man's room. His room was only half cleaned.

 "old man, I'm going to clean the parts you haven't touched yet."

 "Oh, ...okay."

 My old man answered with a grumpy expression, as if trying to hide his confusion. I ignored his response and continued cleaning with Toxy in a calm manner. His bedroom wasn't particularly spacious, but with Toxy and me being used to it, we finished quickly.

 Finally, the whole house was clean. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took a deep breath, "Phew."

 "Alright, it's all tidy now. Thanks to Toxy for being here."

 "No, Wade was the one who worked the hardest. It feels so refreshing now."


 My old man seemed to feel a sense of accomplishment too as he stared at the clean room with wide eyes.

 Beside him, Toxy and I exchanged glances. We had come for an interrogation, but cleaning had worn us out. We chuckled awkwardly and then spoke to my damn old man.

 "Well, we're going home now. If it gets messy like this again next time, we won't help anymore."

 "Okay then, we will leave~"

 "What? You're leaving already?"

 But old man was perplexed and questioned me.

 "Because I'm tired."

 "N-No, you came all this way. Besides, you know, you cleaned for me, and I didn't give anything in return! So, at least let me treat you to dinner."

 "...Do you even have the money for that?"

 "I do! Didn't I tell you I got a job? I have enough money to treat my son and his girlfriend to a meal!"

 My old man asserted himself confidently, and I replied, "Well, if it's just that much." Then Toxy shyly leaned against me.

 "Hey, Wade. I-I'm your girlfriend."

 "Hmm? Oh, I need to correct that."

 "Huh? Am I not your girlfriend?"


 My old man looked confused, and Toxy seemed hurt, at a loss for words. I pulled Toxy closer and said to old man.

 "She's not just a girlfriend, she's my future wife. We'll get married a little later."


 Seeing Toxy overwhelmed with emotions as she clung to me, my old man blinked several times and said to me,

 "You've changed..."

 I shrugged my shoulders and let his comment slide, then asked,

 "So, where are you taking us?"

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