Sunday, June 9, 2024 @

Volume 4 Chapter 2 Invisible Monster and the Knight Commander

Volume 4 Chapter 2 Invisible Monster And The Knight Commander

 A overturned wagon and knights with drawn swords are scattered around it.

 ――It was clear that they were in the middle of a battle.

 An oppressive atmosphere filled the air.

 At first, I thought that they were being attacked by monsters, but something was off.

 There was no enemy in sight. However, they didn't just look like they were on guard and spread out. The knights were swinging their swords wildly, and they looked like they were in a state of confusion.

 'Huh? Where is this? My sky castle?'

 Juju seemed to have woken up after spinning around suddenly. There was a movement in the hood, and then a sleepy voice came out with a small yawn.

 'Huh? Noroa? I thought you died of excitement when you saw me in my bikini...'

 "Even if you want to kill someone, there should be a correct way to do it, right?"

 'Ha... you must be a fake Noroa! The real Noroa would have immediately shouted "Lady Juju, lick lick lick!" if he were here!'

 "Hey, what happened to me in your dream?"

 The mystery only deepened, but I didn't feel like I wanted to know the answer.

 "Anyway, it looks like there's some trouble."

 'Is it a naughty one?'

 "It's a completely normal trouble."

 '...Hmm, I can't see well.'

 "Look over there."

 When I pointed to where the knights were――


 Suddenly, 'eyes' and 'mouths' appeared from the void.

 It was so sudden that none of the knights could even react.

 The 'mouth' flew through the air and sank its fangs into the right arm of the female knight who seemed to be the leader.

 The armor dented, and the female knight dropped her weapon.

 The surrounding knights tried to rush to her aid in a panic, but by then the 'eyes' and 'mouths' had disappeared. I thought they were gone for good, but then a 'mouth' appeared from another location and attacked a knight.

 "It's a monster attack...! "

 The monsters that the knights are fighting now are probably monsters that can hide their form and presence.

 Only a turtle monster like Turtle Leon could pull off such a trick. It had a shell and scales that turned invisible using light magic, allowing itself to sneak up on its prey without a sound and attack. Despite its size, it moved with surprising agility and speed. The only visible parts of the monster were its eyes and mouth, which were not covered in scales, but its head could only be seen for a brief moment during an attack.

 Of all the monsters, it had to be Turtle Leon.

 He was an A-rank monster, known for his high defense and annoying tactics, even though his attack power wasn't that high.

 "We need to help them, and fast..."

 I estimated that most of the knights' weapons were C to B rank. The leader of the knights, a female knight, seemed to have an A-rank weapon, but it was a whip. Whips have relatively low attack power, so it was unlikely to pierce Turtle Leon's defense and inflict damage.

 At this rate, the knights were going to be wiped out. They couldn't damage it, and even if they tried to run, the enemy was surprisingly fast. It wasn't that the knights were weak; it was just that the opponent was too strong.

 I couldn't just stand there and watch them die. I didn't want to see the knights get sacrificed, but more importantly, I couldn't let those cute pieces of equipment get destroyed. That would be unmanly.

 "Cirrul, get down!"


 Cirrul clumsily fluttered her wings and rushed towards the ground.

 She landed with a loud thud in front of the knights.

 Well, more like a crash. The ground cracked deeply, and a cloud of dust rose into the air.

 '~~! ~~!'

 Judging by Cirrul's tearful eyes, it seemed like she had failed her landing again. She still wasn't very good at landing.

 "Uh, a newcomer...!?"

 The sudden appearance of a dragon clearly startled the knights.

 It wasn't surprising that they would be shocked to see a dragon suddenly descend from the sky.

 But there was no time to explain.

 "We're here to help!"

 I simply said that and dismounted from Cirrul.

 "Hey, wait, that's dangerous!"

 The female knight who seemed to be the leader called out, but I didn't have time to respond. I wasn't very durable either. If I took even one hit, it could be fatal.

 So, I had to act fast.

 "Show me the location of 'Turtle Leon'."

 I gave new instructions to Compass Eye (Ra Shingan).

 I had already asked Compass Eye to show me the direction of the 'unequipped cursed equipment', but that's okay.

 In my left eye's field of vision, the compass pattern suddenly shines brightly, and a new magnetic needle appears.

 The needle wavered slightly and then immediately pointed to a spot.

 "...Found it."

 Thanks to the dust raised by Cirrul, its location was easy to see.

 A slight tremor lurking in the landscape. It's hidden so cleverly that one wouldn't notice it unless they were told. But once they find it, they can be sure that Turtle Leon is there. The needle in my left eye also disappears as if to say that this is the correct answer.

 Anyway, if I know where it is, all I have to do is attack. The only weapon that can damage Turtle Leon is probably the Bloodsucker Blade here.

 "Get down."

 "W-what are you going to do...?"

 "Just cut it."

 I closed my eyes and put my hand on the hilt of the Bloodsucker Blade.


 With all my might in my arm, I drew my sword in one motion.

 My vision was blocked, but the roar of the sword is the same as always. I can feel through the hilt how the blade is shaking the atmosphere. I should have been able to send out only the shockwave without going berserk.

 I quickly sheathed my sword and opened my eyes.

 The first thing that came into my view was something like a deeply dug crater. It wasn't there before I closed my eyes. The outside of the crater is also dug up, trees are cut down, and it looks like a storm has passed.

 "What about Turtle Leon?"

 'I think it's dead. Its shell is scattered.'

 "Oh, really?"

 If I look around carefully, I can see something like thick shards of glass. Turtle Leon's shell must have been very hard, and it didn't completely disappear like Queen Spider's carapace. But I think most of it is gone.

 'How's your Attack after using the the Bloodsucker Blade?'

 "Um, it's up."

 If I defeat an enemy with the Bloodsucker Blade, my Attack should go up.

 When I checked my status, my Attack stat has definitely gone up by around 300 points.

 It's hard to believe since I couldn't see it before, but I guess it's because I defeated the Turtle Leon.

 Just in case, I used Compass Eye to search for the Turtle Leon, but it doesn't seem to be around anymore. So, that was the only one, huh?

 "Hey, are you okay?"

 I asked the female knight behind me.

 The female knight was stunned, and her face, which was visible under her helmet, looked quite silly.

 "Eh? Ah, yeah... yeah, I'm fine. You saved me."

 "What about your injuries?"

 "They're fine. I can heal this much with a recovery potion. The others... some are seriously injured, but no one is dead."

 The female knight looked around and sighed in relief. She's probably a serious and kind person. She might be too soft to be a leader, but I don't dislike her.

 After giving some instructions to her subordinates, the female knight turned back to me.

 "Oh, I'm late with introductions."

 The female knight took off her helmet.

 The golden hair inside the helmet flowed down her shoulders like water. Her face was stained with dirt and blood, and her mouth was tightly closed in a serious expression, but her perfect beauty was not diminished in any way.

 Then, she saluted me and said,

 "I'm Sera Rizzara. I'm the leader of the Emdo County's Knights. Thank you again for your help this time."

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