Wednesday, June 5, 2024 @

Volume 2 Chapter 2 The Adventures of Guild in Geats Town

Volume 2 Chapter 2 The Adventures Of Guild In Geats Town

 After walking all day from the Town of Mahariji, I managed to pass through the gates of the neighboring town before the sun set.

 Geats Town, much like Mahariji, thrived on dungeon resources. The streets were filled with adventurers wearing high-level equipment, and the commercial district near the gates was bustling with weapon and potion shops.

 For someone like me, not very experienced in traveling, it was fortunate to arrive at a town similar to Mahariji. The culture and customs were mostly the same, and the abundance of equipment was comforting.

 'Alright, let's head to the dungeon right away!'

 Juju, perched on my shoulder, excitedly urged, but I couldn't just head to the dungeon immediately.

 "Nope. Before going to the dungeon, we need to stop by the Adventurers Guild."

 'Why though! That's so unfair! You villain!'

 "Well, there's no need for such harsh words. It's just the rule, you know."

 For adventurers from elsewhere, it was standard procedure to visit the local guild first.

 Hunting monsters had its regulations, including hunting rights. If someone hunted monsters without permission or sold materials without going through the guild, it was considered poaching.

 Therefore, monster materials had to be delivered through the local Adventurers Guild to deduct rewards for rights and taxes.

 Especially in dungeons, being a treasure trove of resources, people needed a permit issued by the guild just to enter. Otherwise, the resources could be taken by other towns.

 'Hmm, sounds like a hassle.'

 "Well, as long as I go through a few procedures, the guild will take care of the rest. It's not that difficult."

 I chuckled as I walked through the town. It seemed to be the end of the workday, as the streets were bustling with people. I carefully made my way through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone.

 "By the way... could you please put on your cloak soon? You really stand out."

 A grown man was walking with a doll on his shoulder, even conversing with it. It would be odd not to attract curious looks in such a situation. In fact, I could feel the whispers around us.

 In other words, it was incredibly embarrassing.

 If I entered the Adventurers Guild like this, I dreaded to think what people would say. That's why I had been insisting on putting on the cloak, but Juju stubbornly refused.

 'No way! I want to enjoy the view!'


 Juju's desire to enjoy the scenery was slowly wearing down my patience.

 So, I decided to enter the guild as we were.

 As I opened the door and stepped inside, even though it was late afternoon and not many people were around, the stares directed at me were intense, chipping away at my confidence.

 As soon as I entered with Juju on my shoulder, the guild fell silent for a moment, then erupted into laughter.

 "Hey! This isn't a place for playing with dolls!"

 As I tried to sneak towards the reception, a seasoned adventurer intercepted me. From his expression, I could sense his intention to tease me relentlessly.

 Yeah, it seemed trouble was brewing.

 If a fight broke out, I would surely lose. I couldn't draw my Bloodsucker Blade, or I would just be a lowly G-rank adventurer.

 On the other hand, he seemed to be equipped at a C-rank level, indicating he was a senior. In the world of adventurers, hierarchy was crucial, and I had to play it safe.

 I had to somehow get through this with a humble apology. I may not be good at combat, but I had a knack for apologizing.

 Just as I was about to kneel down, the man reached out towards Juju, seemingly planning to take her from me and tease her.

 However, that was a bad move.

 'Hey. Don't touch me with your dirty hands, please.'


 Juju swatted the man's hand away.

 He frozes in place, surprised that the doll started moving. The adventurers who had been joking around fell silent. Despite the reactions around her, Juju remained calm.

 'Ugh, you're sweating. Gross..."

 "Hey, could you not rub it on my face?"

 'Oh, and it stinks too! Unbelievable! I can't take it anymore! Noroa, unsheathe the Bloodsucker Blade!'

 "You can't go on a killing spree just because of some sweat."

 I sighed. Then, I bowed to the still frozen man and headed towards the reception desk.

 ...Yeah, let's just pretend nothing happened, okay?

 "Um, I came from outside the town, is it okay to proceed with the formalities?"


 The receptionist's face seemed tense, probably because of the recent events. She was clearly looking towards Juju.

 Well, it's hard not to notice.

 Feeling tired and feeling like I'd stood out already, I handed over my adventurer card.

 The adventurer card is like a combination of a business card and a job badge, used as identification across regions. All the information like adventurer rank is written on the card, so just showing it completes the process.

 "Oh, and I need a permit to enter the northern dungeon."

 "Sure, a permit. Planning to join a party?"

 The receptionist asked with a smile, but behind that smile, I felt a hint of 'You're just a low rank, kid, maybe you should carry bags for others.' Maybe I'm overthinking it.

 "Oh, no. I think I'll try going in alone first."


 The receptionist frowned.

 Apprentices like me are usually supposed to assist other parties. Going into a dungeon alone is not recommended. It doesn't leave a good impression, especially in dungeons where many die.

 So, getting a permit alone is not easy.

 "But it's an unexplored S-rank dungeon... it's dangerous at your rank. If you encounter monsters, you won't be able to escape."

 "No, I just want to observe a bit before joining a party. If it's too difficult, even being a baggage carrier would be tough."

 "Well, that makes sense... understood."

 Reluctantly, she agreed to issue the permit.

 I breathed a sigh of relief.

 "Hey, this guy is a G-rank! Are you really planning to enter the dungeon like that?"

 The adventurer man from earlier butted in again.

 Maybe it's retaliation for what Juju said to him earlier.

 I wish Juju would deal with him instead of me.

 'Oh no, here he comes again... I'll give him a piece of my mind!'

 "Yeah, could you not talk for a while?"

 If Juju speaks, it will only make things worse.

 I managed a strained smile and turned to the man.

 "I understand it's inappropriate, so I just want to observe for a bit... Oh, I'll bow down."

 Let's play it safe and get through this.

 This time, my bow will make an impact...!

 Just as I was about to kneel down, Juju punched the man in the stomach.

 'Juju Punch!'


 Suddenly, Juju punched the man in the stomach.

 The punch, coming from a doll body, had an unexpected force, sending him spinning into the wall. He crashed into tables and people, then hit the wall hard.


 He fainted while letting out a pointlessly cute cry.

 """What the...?"""

 The room fell silent again. Juju, done with her actions, turned around with a smug look.

 'Heh, how about that?'

 "Why did you hit him?"

 'You told me not to talk, but you didn't say not to hit!'

 "Well, you were talking too. You even shouted out the move's name."

 'Too bad! I can't shout out the move's name in time, huh!'

 "Well, I don't really care about those rules..."

 I sighed in disappointment.

 My peaceful adventurer life was shattered like dust in the wind.

 Well, it's kind of late to worry about peace now, but...

 "Um, um... you were able to issue your permit."

 "...Thank you."

 After receiving the permit, I hurriedly left the meeting place.

 Alright... Let's quickly enter the dungeon and get some cursed equipment.

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