Thursday, June 20, 2024 @

Volume 11 Chapter 3 The Lost Child

Volume 11 Chapter 3 The Lost Child

 As I watched the performances and such, it was already evening before I knew it.

 When I saw the lanterns lit up, I realized that the surroundings had suddenly darkened.

 "It's almost time for the festival to end."

 The stalls were starting to pack up, and the crowd on the street was thinning out.

 Somehow, I felt a sense of emptiness, like my energy was drained.

 "Well, I'm tired from walking, so let's take a break."

 "Yeah, that's a good idea..."

 Cirrul was holding her stomach. It seemed like the food fight from earlier was taking its toll on her.

 'Ugh, this stall is sold out too!'

 "Buubuu" "...Buubuu"

 On the other hand, Juju and the others still looked full of energy.

 For now, we decided to head towards the less crowded area.

 'Ah, look! They're selling ice cream!'

 "What's ice cream?" "...It's a cold dessert. Eating it makes you happy."

 "Huh, an ice cream stall? That's rare!"

 It's a frozen treat that can't be found in the countryside, unless you have a D-rank or higher ice magic equipment. That's why there are only a few ice cream makers. They must have come all the way from the city just for today.

 And yet, the prices are reasonable. It's just what we need to cool down our bodies, heated up from the festival's excitement.

 "Ma'am, can I have 5 ice creams, please? Flavors... these, these, and these."


 "And, can I take out 50 pieces?"


 "Take out 50 pieces."

 "No way, did I hear that right? Can you really eat that much?"

 "Of course."

 There aren't any other customers anyway, so might as well buy as much as we can. If I put them in the Gluttony Mimic Bag (Miim-chan), I can enjoy the cold ice cream anytime I want.

 "Well, if I can get the money, that's fine..."

 The auntie yawns as she turns the pages of the ice spellbook, freezing the whipped cream.

 "Okay, okay... let's start with 5."

 The auntie handed me the cups with ice cream.

 The cold, sweaty metal cups felt great just to hold.

 "First, 2 cherry blossom flavors and one meat sauce flavor. And for you little ones, almond milk flavor and butter flavor."

 'Here it comes! I've been waiting for this!'

 "Woah" "...It's cold!"

 'Let's exchange them a little at a time, everyone!'

 "Yeah, that way we can enjoy different flavors."

 'Ah, I don't want Noroa's meat sauce flavor.'


 "Sister Juju's is what I want!" "...Can I have a bite?"

 'Hehe, can you guys, with your childish taste buds, handle my adult taste?'

 "Muuh, Ram is an adult too!" "...Sui is even more adult!"

 "By the way, what about the meat sauce flavor?"

 "I don't want it" "...I don't want it."


 "Sir Noroa, would you like a bite? But I have accidentally took a bite..."

 "Ah, okay. My meat sauce..."

 "I apologize."

 ...Why is it that the meat sauce is so bad?

 "Yes, it's ready. This is for 50 people."

 "Thank you."

 "No, thank you. See you again."

 I took out the ice cream, got a bowl-sized serving, and stored it in the Gluttony Mimic Bag in the shade.

 Then, I slowly ate the ice cream in the shade.

 As the evening came and the temperature dropped, my head started to feel a bit dizzy, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

 I was feeling quite carefree.

 "...Is it okay if I ask you something?"


 I felt a tug on my sleeve.

 When I turned my face to the side, there was a girl.

 She had purple twin tails and was wearing a high-class, expensive-looking cloak.

 She was licking a lollipop while chatting away.

 "I have something I want to ask, may I have a moment of your time?"

 Despite her appearance, she spoke in a very mature tone.

 'Do you want some ice cream too? ――Munch munch.'

 "Hm, where did that voice come from..."

 "It's my inner voice, yo! I love ice cream! Ahahahahaha!"

 "...Are you sane?"

 I was doubted by a kid.

 "So, what did you want to ask?"

 "Ah, I wanted to ask for directions. To the Great Cathedral..."

 The kid was asking for directions...I see.

 "Are you lost?"

 "It's definitely different."

 The girl let out a deep sigh, as if she was tired of life.

 "I came to meet someone, but the structure of this town is too complicated... I just got a little lost, that's all."

 "That's what they call getting lost in the world, you know?"


 For some reason, she didn't seem to want to admit it. But it was clear that she was troubled.

 "Sir Noroa, we can't just leave her alone, right?"


 It was going to get dark soon. Even though there were a lot of people out because of the festival, it wasn't a good idea to let a kid walk alone.

 "Right, I wanted to know the way to the cathedral..."


 I didn't know much about the geography of this town, but I remembered the cathedral because it was a prominent building.

 "This way, follow me."

 I took the girl's hand.


 The girl looked at our connected hands in surprise.

 "It's warm."

 "Is it?"

 "I haven't held hands with anyone in a long time."


 "But this is good. This way, we won't get separated. It's very rational. What a wonderful invention!"

 She was overpraising it. It was a big deal just because we were holding hands.

 "Can I hold hands too, Sir Noroa?"

 "I refuse!"


 "I want to keep one hand free. I won't be able to eat snacks."

 I didn't really get it, but she seemed to have a thing about it.

 I pulled the girl's hand and started walking. As it got darker, the number of people on the street decreased. There was plenty of space on the road, and it was easy to walk even while holding hands.

 "This town is... I've never been here before today."

 The girl looked interested, glancing around as she opened her mouth.

 "But it's more lively than I heard it would be."

 "It was dark just a little while ago, though."

 "Is that so?"

 "There have been a lot of disasters lately, so everyone's relieved now that they're solved."

 "That's a heavy burden. Peace is the most important thing."

 The girl said something like she understood, nodding in satisfaction.

 "By the way, I've been hearing the word 'Phantom' a lot since earlier... what's that?"

 "Th, that's..."

 "Everyone's hero!" "...It's something like that."

 "They defeat people who do bad things with cursed equipment."

 "Hmm, that's interesting. I'd love to meet them."

 My eyes sparkle. She's still a kid, after all, and she get excited about this kind of topic.

 After walking for a bit, we arrived near the church.


 I noticed someone in the crowd.

 They didn't fit in with the festival atmosphere, and they looked really suspicious.

 They were wearing a dark black mantle that covered their body, and a deep hood that hid their face.

 What's even more suspicious is...

 There are a lot of red butterflies fluttering around them...


 I realized something.

 The Compass Eye (Ra Shingan) was pointing at that person.

 The thing I was searching for with the Compass Eye was... the "Insect User".

 I tried to find the Insect User last night using the Compass Eye, but it didn't work out.

 Now, the needle is pointing at the person in front of me.

 That means one thing.

 They're... the Insect User.

 The one who's been spreading cursed equipment in this town and using butterflies to monitor the streets.


 The Insect User seemed to notice that I'd figured it out.

 They gave a sly smile, then disappeared into the alleyway, as if saying "come and get me".

 What's their goal...? It's obvious to be a trap...

 I don't know what the Insect User is thinking, but I can't let them get away.

 "...Cirrul, take care of this kid."

 I handed the girl's hand over to Cirrul.

 "Eh, Sir Noroa is..."

 "...I have something to take care of."

 I said that and took off running towards the alleyway.

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