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Volume 2 Chapter 26 Looking for a New Place to Live

Volume 2 Chapter 26 Looking For A New Place To Live

 On that day, Clay and I were walking through the city together.

 "Hey, isn't this chicken skewer delicious?"

 "Haha, yeah, it's my favorite."

 As we munched on the chicken skewers we bought from a nearby stall, we walked down a street that resembled a medieval European city, a little off the main road.

 Because our goal for today was to 'check out a party house.'

 "Well, I never expected we'd move so quickly to secure a party house."

 I said, and Clay shrugged his shoulders.

 "It can't be helped. Wade-kun's greatsword has been giving a disapproving look since we rented the inn."

 That's right. Just when I thought we could take it easy now that we had some money, the innkeeper suddenly scolded us.

 'You can't carry such a big weapon anymore! How heavy is it that it could break the walls of the armory!'

 When I asked, it seems that it was a mistake to leave that unusually heavy iron lump sword in the armory all the time, as it fell and made a hole in the wall of the inn's armory.

 So, with the fate of having a weapon that is too unique, I quickly started moving towards securing a party house.

 By the way, a party house is like a shared house with members who form a party, and it seems that most financially stable adventurers usually prepare one.

 "Well, it was just the right timing. In a way, it couldn't have been better than this."

 "That's right. It's good that we have money now."

 We, in our growing appetite, quickly finished eating skewers and threw them in the nearby trash can.

 Being able to do that is probably because this place is similar to a high-end residential area.

 "But, it's kind of intimidating, isn't it? Walking on such a nice road, I don't have much experience with this."

 "It's thanks to Wade-kun finding a profitable deal and bringing it back."

 "It feels awkward to call Toxy's business talk a money-making scheme."

 Smiling wryly, we glanced around while looking at the map.

 As we did so, we successfully found the real estate agent we were looking for.

 "Is this the place?"

 "It seems so. Let's go in right away."

 I entered first, followed by Clay. Then, a grumpy old man at the back looked at us.

 "Hey, this is a real estate agency specializing in high-end residential areas around here. Kids like you are not welcome here."

 "Shopkeeper, this is our budget."

 Clay flicked a big gold coin with his finger. As expected of a seasoned merchant, the old man grabbed the big gold coin and widened his eyes.

 "...This isn't suspicious money, is it?"

 "It's perfectly clean money."

 "...I see. Ahem."

 The old man cleared his throat and adjusted his attitude.

 "Welcome, customers. If you're looking for a mansion that will be your ally in life, please leave it to me."

 ...The speed at which the merchant flips his hand is quite interesting to watch.

 For now, we were led to the sofa in the guest room and sat down in a row.

 I convey my request.

 "We're looking for a party house."

 "A party house, huh. In that case, are you adventurers? Excuse me, but may I ask for the name of your party?"

 "It's the Wade Party, shopkeeper."

 "Ah, I've heard rumors about you. Slow... I apologize. It's a peculiar rookie party that exudes a presence without being hindered by the shackles of gravity magic."

 I hear about my slow magic everywhere.

 By the way, I want to come up with a new party name already.

 "In that case, I recommend a property that has private rooms for up to 6 people, as well as a shared living room, kitchen, and armory. A new home is a good thing."

 "It looks good to me."

 "Me too. In that case, I'll focus on the armory."

 "What kind of special thing do you want for your weapon?"

 "I'm using a pretty big sword. I need a weapon storage that can withstand it."

 "How big is it?"

 "It's like this," I explained as I got up from my seat and moved around. The shopkeeper looked quite puzzled.

 "With those conditions, well... there is a place a bit out of town. But there are a few other issues..."

 "What kind of issues?"

 When I asked, the shopkeeper began to explain with a solemn expression.

 "It's a really nice property. There are individual rooms, a shared living room, a very large kitchen. It even comes with a large warehouse, a field, and a pool. It's on the outskirts of the city, but it's not too far in terms of distance. However,"

 The shopkeeper paused for a moment before continuing.

 "Well, there are frequent deaths there. Just the other day, a merchant who bought it for 2 big gold coins disappeared. Despite it being a good property that would normally sell for at least 7 big gold coins, there are no buyers due to rumors like that."

 Me and Clay lock eyes.

 "What about adventurers?"

 "No, adventurers don't need such a big warehouse. But if you need to store a big sword for the story, the only option is to either build a new one or use that property."

 "By the way, if it's a new construction?"

 "Building a warehouse has low construction costs, but you need to pay for the land to secure it. Even if it's a custom warehouse, it will cost 3 big gold coins."

 "I see..."

 The going rate is 3 big gold coins.

 "What's the price?"

 "After some consideration, this time I'll let it go for just 1 big gold coin."

 I cross my arms and propose to Clay.

 "If we think about saving two big gold coins, it seems quite reasonable."

 "Yeah, that's true. The concern is the loss of residents, but we are adventurers. If we consider making 2 big gold coins by conquering a mysterious mansion, the profit is substantial."

 "That's right."

 We nodded at each other and looked at the shop owner.

 "Got it. We'll take a quick look inside, and if it looks good, we'll buy it."

 "Understood. Then, I'll show you around."

 The shop owner stood up and said to the employee in the back, "Hey, watch the store for me!"

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